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这段逐渐逐渐逐渐逐渐逐渐逐渐逐渐逐渐逐渐逐渐逐渐逐渐逐渐逐渐逐渐逐渐逐渐逐渐逐渐逐渐逐渐逐渐逐渐 life will be filled with both challenges and opportunities, but ultimately, it is up to you to determine how you will approach them. As a monkey, you are naturally curious and adventurous, which bodes well for the years ahead. You will not be content to simply sit back and watch life pass you by – you will actively seek out new experiences and challenges to keep you engaged and fulfilled. However, this can also lead to a certain restlessness, which may make it difficult for you to settle down and focus on one thing for too long. You may find yourself constantly jumping from project to project, without ever fully committing to any one in particular. To overcome this tendency, it is important for you to identify your priorities and stick to them. In the coming years, try to focus on the things that truly matter to you, whether it be your career, your family, or your personal passions. With dedication and perseverance, you can achieve great things in the years to come. Whether it be through career advancement, starting a family, or pursuing a new hobby, the next 18 years represent a time of endless possibilities for you as a 38-year-old monkey. So embrace the future with optimism and excitement, and remember – the choices you make today will shape the course of your life for years to come.


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